2021 - 2024

Useful fiat money (eg. Dollar)

1. Medium of exchange

Average. These days are fiat money widely accepted around whole globe. In western world amount of cash, which you can have in your pocket is limited. SWIFT mechanism control capital flows and KYC/AML systems restrict money from using it.

2. Store of value

Average and still worse in time. Central banks mostly "target inflation" around 2%. Currently year-over-year dollar inflation rate (2021 to 2022) is 7.48%. In Euro area is average inflation 5,1%.

3. Unit of account

Good. 93% of all money all non-psychical. Rest 7% is also easy because we have banknotes of exact value and in addition everybody have accounting in dollars (or others currencies, eg. Euro).

Potential, trend

Average. In world are used government printed money, but since 1971 we are slowly coming to the end of that era.


Good. Most population on world know how to use this type of money.

Power of third side

Bad. In 21st century after mass adoption of global decentralized network (internet), power of institutions like banks and governments on monetary system is still too high.


Most money are in computer so it is easy dividable. Coins and banknotes have exact value.


Coins are pretty durable and banknotes have also solid durability.


Modern banknotes have many security features, it is hard, almost impossible, to fabricate it. In digital form it is even harder.


It is problem because, in online world, you need trustworthy intermediary in that process and this subjects are under political pressure. Cash is peer-to-peer, but it disappears with time.


Amount of money in economy depends only on decision of central banks and authorities.

Score: 19/11 = 1,72

Precious metals (eg. Gold)

1. Medium of exchange

Bad. You may want a buy car today. So try it with gold! Not a chance.

2. Store of value

Good. Gold tradition as a valuable material is 2500 years old.

3. Unit of account

Average.  Today we do not have gold coins and your bookkeeping is not adapted to use gold as account records.

Potential, Trend

Average. Holding gold is known as a safe harbor for most people in the world. Gold slightly gain value in long term.


Good. Everybody on planet knows gold.

Power of third side

Average. If you have larger amount of physical gold you must trust somebody else to protect it. Small amount is storable.


You can melt gold to a limited amount and create coins.


Gold and silver are pretty durable.


On first look it's easy to recognize gold, but u need special tools how to check exact purity of gold.


If you transfer bigger amount of gold it is always dangerous and expensive.


Gold inside of earth is limited amount.

Score: 20/11 = 1,81


1. Medium of exchange

Average. These days you must find places where you can pay with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is designed to be peer-to-peer system, but today this function is little behind "store of value" function.

2. Store of value

Average and still better in time. Value of bitcoin depends only on his demand. Supply rate is fixed and ends on 21millions. It makes this money pretty rare like a gold. Minus is only 15 years of history and high volatility in short term.

3. Unit of account

Bad. It is easy to count, but cause of volatility it's not reliable. You probably do not your bookkeeping in bitcoin yet.


Good. Potential of non- government decentralized money system for world population is just enormous. Based on exact mathematics principles, not under decision of some people. Unbanked people can get bank in their pocket(smartphones).


Bad. Adoption of bitcoin is still in their beginning. We are probably on edge between "early adopter" and "early majority" phase.

Power of third side

Average. It is because most people still buying bitcoin on centralized exchanges, but if you install wallet on  smartphone, you can remember 12(24) words in your head and your wealth can't be seized, frozen or transferred by anyone. It puts individual responsibility on every human. Remember: Your keys, your coins. Not your keys, not your coins.


1 BTC you can divide to 100 000 000 Satoshi. With Lighting network you can divide even more.


Fully digital money, what you can't touch that you can't destroy.


You can verify with full node on your computer.


Peer to peer from definition. Scalable hodling of bitcoin, 1- 1million BTC no problem.


Rarity is defined by his limited amount (21million BTC).

Score: 18/11 = 1,63

Bad FIAT Money (eg. Venezuelan bolivar)

1. Medium of exchange

Bad. Money is about trust and when you not sure that opposite side accept it, you will find some other way, how to exchange goods and services.

2. Store of value

Bad. Inflation money can't store any value. It's only priceless paper.

3. Unit of account

Bad. OK its countable but with hyperinflation, new emitting banknotes must have higher and higher value. You can't think that you do book-keeping in that conditions.


Bad. Having bad money in your country is just painfull experience. You are basically in vicious circle.


Average. People know that currency exist, but don't want to use it, exiting system into other ways of trading is only solution.

Power of third side

Bad. Money from order of weak authorities creates even more weaker money.


Most money are in computer so it is easy dividable. Coins and banknotes have exact value.


Coins are pretty durable and banknotes have also solid durability.


Modern banknotes have many security features it is hard almost impossible to fabricate it.


It is problem because, in online world, you need trustworthy intermediary in that process and this subjects are under political pressure. Cash is peer-to-peer, but it disappears with time.


Amount money in economy depends only on decision central bank and authorities.

Score: 25/11 =2,72

Today value of money 
This site have educational purpose and not serve as investment advice.  
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